Two College of Science Faculty Selected for '40 Under 40' List

Two faculty members from the College of Science and the Department of Astronomy and Steward Observatory, Dr. Erika Hamden and Dr. Carlos J. Vargas, were selected this fall for the prestigious 40 Under 40 in Southern Arizona.
The 40 Under 40 Awards is focused on leadership as well as on community involvement and the contributions made to moving our community in southern Arizona forward. These contributors to the community are selected because of their body of work as selfless stewards and promoters of generosity, of good, and of progress. The Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce noted, "Young leaders are a vital asset to our region and it is important to recognize and acknowledge those who have made their mark while shaping our community's future."
In total, the University of Arizona had seven representatives on the 2022 40 Under 40 list. The full list of awardees can be found here.
Dr. Erika Hamden
Dr. Hamden is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Astronomy and an Assistant Astronomer in Steward Observatory.

Dr. Hamden’s research focuses on UV instrumentation, detector technology development, multi-object & IFU spectroscopy, galaxy evolution, and star formation. Dr. Hamden is interested in large scale galactic outflows and inflows, understanding molecular hydrogen in nearby star forming regions, and advancing UV missions of all types. She has a close relationship with the Advanced Detectors, Systems and Nanoscience Group (389E) Group at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). She also has a larger interest in silicon detector technologies.
“What is so wonderful about Erika Hamden’s leadership is in addition to leading her own major research program in astrophysics, she is leading NASA in how to develop the next generation of principal investigators for NASA missions," said Dr. Buell Jannuzi, Astronomy Department Head and Director of Steward Observatory at the University of Arizona.
Erika is the Principal Investigator of Hyperion, a mission in development designed to observe molecular hydrogen in our galaxy to better understand how stars form. Erika is also the Deputy PI of Aspera, a NASA Pioneers Mission (PI: Dr. Carlos Vargas), which will observe nearby edge-on galaxies in the extreme UV. Aspera is scheduled to launch in 2024. Dr. Hamden earned her Ph.D. from Columbia University in 2014 and joined the University of Arizona faculty in 2018.
Learn more about Dr. Hamden and her research here.
Dr. Carlos J. Vargas
Dr. Vargas is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Astronomy and an Assistant Astronomer in Steward Observatory.

Dr. Vargas is the Principal Investigator of the Aspera SmallSat Mission, which was selected for funding in the inaugural NASA Astrophysics Pioneers Program. Aspera is a far-ultraviolet imaging spectrograph that will map the warm-hot gas emission in nearby galaxy halos for the first time. Dr. Vargas studies the relationship between star formation and the diffuse inner halos of spiral galaxies. He is particularly interested in the mechanisms behind the prevalence and support of matter residing outside of star-forming galaxy disks.
“Over the last two years, Carlos has confirmed, through his leadership of his NASA Pioneer mission, Aspera, that NASA and UArizona have invested wisely in developing leaders for our future," said Dr. Jannuzi. "I am excited to see what we learn from Aspera and what Carlos will propose to do in the future.”
Carlos has also led studies analyzing the cycling of gas and cosmic rays between galaxy disks and halos, as well as large observational campaigns at optical wavelengths. He is committed to advancing UV space astrophysics in both small and large platforms. Dr. Vargas obtained his Ph.D. in 2018 from New Mexico State University and joined the University of Arizona shortly after.
Learn more about Dr. Vargas and his research here.