College of Science Faculty Council

College of Science Faculty Council


To advise the dean and serve as a conduit for communication between the administration and the faculty of the College of Science.


In Fall 2021, Dean Garzione appointed an ad-hoc committee to develop recommendations for the establishment of a new Faculty Council in the College of Science. Based on the committee's recommendations, the membership of the Council and terms of the members are detailed below.


The Council consists of up to 21 faculty members distributed as detailed below.

  • One from each of the 14 academic units of the college. 
    • Astronomy/Steward Observatory
    • Chemistry & Biochemistry
    • Computer Science
    • Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
    • Geological Science
    • Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
    • Mathematics
    • Molecular and Cellular Biology
    • Neuroscience & Cognitive Science
    • Physics
    • Planetary Sciences
    • Psychology
    • Speech, Language, and Hearing Science
    • Tree-ring Laboratory 
  • These representatives may be faculty of any rank on any track (tenure track, continuing status, or career track). 
  • The representative should not be the department head.

  • Life Sciences
    • Chemistry and Biochemistry
    • Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
    • Molecular and Cellular Biology
  • Earth Sciences
    • Geosciences
    • Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
    • Laboratory of Tree Ring Research
  • Physics and Space Sciences
    • Physics
    • Astronomy and Steward Observatory
    • Planetary Sciences
    • Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
  • Mathematics and Computational Sciences
    • Mathematics
    • Computer Science
  • Neural, Cognitive, and Behavioral Sciences
    • Psychology
    • Speech Language, and Hearing Sciences
    • Neuroscience

  • One from Steward Observatory
  • One from one of the other units with continuing status faculty (currently Mathematics, Molecular and Cellular Biology, and Neuroscience/Cognitive Science)


  • Each representative will serve a two-year term, with approximately half of the committee rotating off each year.
  • Representatives are limited to two continuous terms and may be re-elected after at least one year off.
  • In the first year of the Council, College administration randomly selected approximately one half of the members to serve three-year terms. The other members served two-year terms.