Quantum Science
The University of Arizona quantum community possesses strengths which range from the study of quantum matter and creation of novel quantum materials to the development of high-speed optical systems and quantum information processing.
The Quantum Science Interest Group (SIG) is an initiative of the College of Science to develop and sustain an active, cohesive quantum science research community, to facilitate information and knowledge exchange, and support the development of quantum science-focused research teams. The Quantum Science SIG is open to all University affiliated researchers, including graduate students working on or interested in relevant research areas.
Quantum Science Interest Group Steering Committee
The Quantum SIG is guided by a Steering Committee co-chaired by Oliver Monti (Professor and Associate Head of the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department, and Professor of Physics) and Arvinder Sandhu (Professor of Physics and Optical Science). Additional steering committee members are Kanu Sinha (Assistant Professor of Optical Science and Physics), Kyle Seyler (Assistant Professor of Optical Science), and Weigang Wang (Associate Professor of Physics and Electrical and Computer Engineering).
The Steering Committee and Associate Dean for Research Daniel Apai meet regularly to coordinate the initial activities of the Quantum SIG, and plan for and identify funding opportunities that are of interest to the Quantum Science community.
Check this space for upcoming publications bulletins, information about funding opportunities, roundtable events, panels and proposal preparation meetings.
Contact: Senior Research Coordinator Corey Mustin at cmustin@arizona.edu