Faculty Honors & Awards

Faculty Honors & Awards

College of Science Teaching & Advising Awards

The College of Science recognizes outstanding faculty and advisors who have made significant contributions to the teaching and advising mission of the University.  There are six different award categories to recognize outstanding faculty:

Nomination Process

Nominations will be accepted for any teaching faculty (those designated as faculty by ABOR definitions). 

*Professional Advisors may also be nominated for the Distinguished Advising Award.

Nominations must include the following materials for all nominees:

  1. Nomination letter from the department head
  2. Two to four supporting letters from faculty, students, or other appropriate individuals
  3. A personal statement of teaching/advising/educational philosophy (one-page maximum)
  4. Optional - A summary of other relevant accomplishments pertaining to teaching/advising/education, e.g., innovative adaptations of courses during the COVID-19 pandemic (two-page maximum).

When available, include these additional materials for nominees of the Distinguished Early-Career Teaching Award and the Distinguished Career Teaching Award:

  1. Peer observations for any course taught within the last three years.
  2. A summary of student comments for courses taught in the last three years (two-page maximum).

Submit a nomination on the Arizona Cultivate website.

If you have any questions about the process, please contact Susan Bridgewater at sbridgewater@arizona.edu.

Award nominations are due June 17, 2024. Awardees will be recognized at the annual College of Science Faculty Reception during the Fall semester.

A committee of College of Science faculty will review the nominations and select one award recipient in each category. If there is an insufficient number of nominations for an award, the committee reserves the right to not make a selection for this year and reconsider the nomination(s) during the following year’s process.

Award recipients will receive a one-time $500 award and will be recognized at the College of Science faculty reception in the fall.


Questions? Email Susan Bridgewater, College of Science Faculty Affairs Manager.

Galileo Circle Awards

For information about the Galileo Circle Awards, please contact Kasey Barghout, Assistant Director of Donor Stewardship and Alumni Engagement at (520) 621-7187 or kaseybarghout@arizona.edu.

External Awards

See the list of University Honors and Awards.

Please note: Some awards require a Dean's recommendation. If you plan to apply or nominate for one of these awards, please email Susan Bridgewater (sbridgewater@arizona.edu). Nomination packets that require Dean's approval will need to be submitted no later than two weeks prior to the deadline  Files can be uploaded here: 2024 Award Packet Upload Folder.