Professor Lee Ryan leaves lasting legacy as head of Psychology at University of Arizona

Aug. 20, 2024
Lee Ryan

Ryan is embarking on an exciting new opportunity on campus as Director of the Brain Imaging Center.

After nine outstanding years of leadership as department head of Psychology at the University of Arizona, Dr. Lee Ryan is embarking on an exciting new opportunity to serve as the Director of the Brain Imaging Center at the U of A and Bio5.

Professor Dr. Arne Ekstrom will serve as the interim head of Psychology.

“It’s been my honor to serve as the Head of Psychology since 2015. Psychology has grown tremendously over the past nine years into one of the largest and most successful departments at the University of Arizona,” Dr. Ryan said. “I didn’t do this alone; it took years of working closely with many talented and dedicated faculty, staff, and students. I’m particularly grateful for the support we’ve received from Dean Garzione and the College of Science.”

The Department of Psychology has flourished under Ryan’s leadership. It has emerged as one of the nation’s leaders in undergraduate and graduate student education and reached record levels of research funding to support faculty and staff. The department has also become an integral part of the southern Arizona community, offering vital clinical services to those in need.

In addition to a highly regarded Bachelor of Arts in Psychology degree, the department developed a new major during Ryan’s tenure: a Bachelor of Science in Psychological Science. With over 500 students enrolled, the program provides in-depth research experience to students headed for post-graduate degrees.

The department has also been an innovative leader in the online education space, creating an Arizona Online Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. The program has consistently ranked among the top 10 online psychology degrees in the country. In addition to strong program growth domestically, it has reached a new cohort of students across the globe in South America and Indonesia.

Under Ryan’s leadership, research funding has grown exponentially. In the 2023-2024 fiscal year, the department saw record research expenditures of more than $21 million, up from $3.3 million just six years prior. This includes a five-year, $60 million grant from the National Institute on Aging to create the Precision Aging Network, on which Ryan serves as lead investigator along with Dr. Carol Barnes as principle investigator.

“Lee Ryan has made a profound impact on the Department of Psychology and the University of Arizona,” said Dr. Carmala Garzione, Dean of the College of Science. “From the rapid growth of undergraduate, graduate, online, and international programs to the groundbreaking research being conducted by faculty, the department has established itself as one of the best nationally. I am certain that Lee will be highly successful in her new role in the Brain Imaging Center.”

In her role, Ryan has been at the forefront of diversity and inclusive excellence being a cornerstone of the department’s strategic planning. Her mission: to build a positive and welcoming community where everyone feels supported and can achieve their best. Additionally, to better support faculty, staff, and students, the Psychology building has undergone extensive renovations over the last decade. State-of-the-art laboratories and upgraded common spaces have made it an inviting place for employees and students to work and interact. These renovations will allow the department to build upon its strengths in the years to come.

 “I am incredibly proud of the people who have helped build our community into what it is today,” Dr. Ryan said. “I know the department has a very bright future ahead of it.”