Felipe Garcia
Felipe Garcia has a varied background in tourism, international trade, investments, business transactions and government strategies. At Visit Tucson he is responsible for leading the region’s destination marketing organization into the next chapter of driving tourism revenue for Tucson and Southern Arizona. Garcia is a board member of several organizations such as the Tucson City of Gastronomy and the Arizona Lodging and Tourism Association. He also represents Tucson in the Delice Network, a Lyon, France international organization whose goal is to develop gastronomy as an economic development tool.
Previously, Garcia served as the Department of Justice Hispanic Liaison for the City of Tucson, City Clerk’s Office. Prior to this, he also became a member of the Arizona District Export Council, an organization of business leaders appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce to provide professional advice to help U.S. companies export.
Prior to joining Visit Tucson, he worked for the Tucson-Mexico Trade Office as an economic development specialist, and for the National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade, where he was responsible for conducting in-depth analyses of the statutes and legal frameworks of several countries in areas related to customs, investment, trade and product liability, among others. Garcia holds a law degree from the Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM) in Mexico and an L.L.M. in international trade and investment law from the University of Arizona, James Rogers College of Law.