Greeting from Dean Garzione

Dear Faculty, Students, Staff, and Friends of the College of Science,
As I conclude my first week back at the University of Arizona I wanted to send out a greeting as your new College of Science dean. When I was a graduate student here, I felt like there was a world of possibilities in front of me. The College of Science has renowned faculty and research facilities, dedicated staff, and outstanding curricular and research opportunities for students. I recall the excitement of collaborating with various faculty, staff, and students to address important and fun research questions. Returning to the University stirs up that thrill for discovery and innovation that drew me into the sciences in the first place.
Through the conversations that I’ve been having both within the College of Science and across campus, I can see that the University of Arizona continues to be a vibrant place, where people’s creativity to think outside of the box becomes the catalyst for the next big wave of ingenuity. I am learning that the collaborative environment at the University is pervasive and facilitates joint efforts amongst its colleges and departments. The research and curriculum continue to push the forefront of disciplines, widening prospects for our students.
I am thrilled to be back at the University of Arizona and look forward to working with all of you to expand opportunities for the College of Science to thrive. I plan to work with the faculty and staff to develop clear strategic goals for departments and the College, strengthen our efforts around inclusive excellence, and build on the ways we can support our students to increase their success. These efforts will allow us to raise the College of Science’s profile both nationally and globally. We will share the value of our work in the sciences, how it feeds human curiosity and improves lives.
I am embarking on a listening and learning tour over the next few months with faculty, students, staff, alumni, and friends. I want to understand what you believe is unique and valuable about the College of Science, and where there is room for improvement. After an extremely difficult year and a half in a global pandemic, I look forward to returning to campus in the fall semester with all of you so we can discuss, learn, and solve problems in-person. I am deeply honored to lead one of the world’s premier Colleges of Science and to be able to work beside you to advance our shared mission.
Carmala Garzione
Dean, College of Science
Professor of Geosciences
The University of Arizona