Steward Observatory’s Marcia Rieke wins prestigious award for her influential career in astronomical research

Jan. 16, 2025
Marcia Rieke

Regents’ Professor Marcia Rieke is the recipient of this year’s Russell Lectureship, which honors a full career of eminence is astronomical research.

This week, the American Astronomical Society (AAS) granted the 2025 Henry Norris Russell Lectureship to Steward Observatory’s Regents Professor of Astronomy Marcia Rieke.  The award is among the biggest honors offered by the AAS, celebrating a full career of eminence in astronomical research. In particular, Dr. Rieke is being recognized for her fundamental contributions to infrared astronomy in space and on the ground, especially in the construction of JWST and its NIRCAM instrument. Rieke is also recognized for her observations of galaxies and their active nuclei in the local and distant universe, and for her national leadership in decadal planning and other policy activities.

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