Our public programs include science and math competitions for individuals/school teams, discussion groups, educational conferences for teachers and parents, and public lectures that feature some of the most distinguished scientists in the world. Most of these events occur on a regular schedule.
Please check individual event websites for current program or speaker information.
Life Sciences
BIOTECH Project - Hosted by the MCB Department, this project offers teacher professional development workshops, classroom resources, and classroom visits.
Biotechnology Laboratory for Arizona Teachers (BLAST) - Hosted by Tucson High School, this biotech lab gives Arizona students an opportunity to gain hands-on experience.
Galapagos Marine Ecology - An undergraduate course built around giving students the opportunity to travel to the Galapagos Islands and study its unique ecology.
University of Arizona Herbarium - An accessible collection of over 400,000 plant specimens from Arizona and Mexico.
Insect Discovery - A program for elementary school students to enjoy hands-on activities with specimens and live insects
Marine Discovery - Hosted at Flandrau Science Center, this program allows students to interact with a variety of ocean species including a living tide pool, a shark dissection, and other activities.
Tucson Bird Count - In conjunction with Arizona Game and Fish and the Audubon Society, this program is a citizen-science project studying the bird species in Tucson.
Tucson Hummingbird Project - Similar to above, this project focuses on hummingbirds.
Earth Sciences
ATMO Seminar Series - A seminar series focused on atmospheric sciences, open to the public.
Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research - Hosted tours at the laboratory's new facility.
Physics and Space Sciences
Astronomy Camps on Mt. Lemmon - An immersion experience for students at the Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter.
HiRISE Operations Center- HiRISE is the most powerful camera ever sent to another planet and is run right here out of the University of Arizona - view images and learn more about Mars, the Red Planet.
Kitt Peak National Observatory Visitor Center - Visit the telescopes on Kitt Peak and learn about astronomy.
NASA Space Grant Speakers Program - A speakers program for high-, middle-, and elementary school students.
Physics Alumni Lecture Series (PALS)- Brings alumnae to provide personal networking and mentorship programs for UA students.
Physics Department Tours - An invitation to visit the Department of Physics at the University of Arizona.
Space Imagery Center - Events connected with the center's imagery and requests for speakers.
Richard F. Caris Mirror Lab Tours - This facility produces the largest and most complex telescope mirrors in the world.
Steward Observatory Public Evenings - A lecture series hosted at the observatory on science topics.
Tucson Area Physics Teachers Organization (TAPT) - Includes an educational and shadowing program for high- and middle-school students.
Mathematics and Computational Sciences
Center for Recruitment and Retention of Mathematics Teachers (CRR) - A program to improve teacher education in mathematics
Center for the Mathematics Education of Latinos/as (CEMELA) - Helps teachers improve education for Latinos in mathematics. (Note: program is no longer active, but the link contains many great resources.)
General Science
College of Science Public Lecture Series - A program devoted to public lectures on different science topics.
Women in Science and Engineering - WISE aims to increase interest and diversity in STEM fields by offering a variety of community and campus outreach programs.